Haney, Timothy J. (2022). “Development, Responsibility, and the Creation of Urban Hazard Risk.” City and Community 22(1): 21-41.
Haney, Timothy J. (2022). “’Scientists Don’t Care about Truth Anymore’: The Climate Crisis and Rejection of Science in Canada’s Oil Country.” Environmental Sociology 8(1): 7-24.
McDonald-Harker, Caroline, Emilie Michelle Bassi, and Timothy J. Haney. (2022). “’We Need to Do Something About This’: Children’s Post-Disaster Views on Climate Change and Environmental Crisis.” Sociological Inquiry 92(1): 5-33.
Haney, Timothy J. (2021). “Disrupting the Complacency: Disaster Experience and Emergent Environmentalism.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 7: 1-17.
Haney, Timothy J. and Daran Gray-Scholz (2020). “Flooding and the New Normal: What is the Role of Gender in Experiences of Post-Disaster Ontological Security.” Disasters 44(2): 262-284.
Haney, Timothy J. (2019). “Move Out or Dig In? Risk Awareness and Mobility Plans in Disaster-Affected Communities.” Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 27(3): 224-236.