Welcome to Applied Sociology

This site was initiated by Bruce Ravelli (University of Victoria) with the research help of Faith, a VCURA undergraduate student. Our hope is to provide this open database to help visitors find Canadian applied sociologists and/or Community-Engaged Learning/Research resources, quickly and easily. We recognize and appreciate VCURA’s support for this initiative.

CEL Research Articles

Website: Public safety personnel, personality, and gender Website: Aging, care and dependency in multimorbidity: how relationships affect elderly women’s homecare and health service use Website: ‘You are safe. You are not alone:’gender and Social Support Coping (SSC) in public safety personnel Website: “When I suffer from fever, I eat mangos.” Determinants of health-seeking beliefs and behaviors of rural older women in Sylhet, Bangladesh Website: Diversity and Inclusion Across Gender and Geography: A Qualitative Survey and Participatory Situational Analysis Website: Picturing Disaster: Participatory Photovoice Research with a Flood-Affected Indigenous Community Website: Evaluation of before Operational Stress: A Program to Support Mental Health and Proactive Psychological Protection in Public Safety Personnel Website: “Suck it up, Buttercup”: Understanding and overcoming gender disparities in policing Website: Aging, care and dependency in multimorbidity: how do relationships affect older Bangladeshi women’s use of homecare and health services? Website: Climate change and small farmers’ vulnerability to food insecurity in Cameroon Website: “You relied on God and your neighbour to get through it”: social capital and climate change adaptation in the rural Canadian Prairies Website: The quality, readability, completeness, and accuracy of PTSD websites for firefighters Website: Agricultural Producers’ Views of Climate Change in the Canadian Prairies: Implications for Adaptation and Environmental Practices Website: Surveying Policy Priorities: The Saskatchewan Women’s Issues Study Website: “Going local”: farmers’ perspectives on local food systems in rural Canada