Welcome to Applied Sociology

This site was initiated by Bruce Ravelli (University of Victoria) with the research help of Faith, a VCURA undergraduate student. Our hope is to provide this open database to help visitors find Canadian applied sociologists and/or Community-Engaged Learning/Research resources, quickly and easily. We recognize and appreciate VCURA’s support for this initiative.

Amélie Quesnel-Vallée

Photo of Amélie Quesnel-Vallée
McGill UniversitySociology Website: McGill University Website: McGill University – Sociology Website: Amélie Quesnel-Vallée’s Website

Exploring social inequalities in healthcare trajectories following diagnosis of diabetes: a state sequence analysis of linked survey and administrative data.

Neighborhood deprivation and obesity: Sex-specific effects of cross-sectional, cumulative and residential trajectory indicators.

Literacy and self-rated health: Analysis of the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults (LISA).

Self-perceived health status among adults with obesity in Quebec: a cluster analysis.

Gender, work-family conflict and depressive symptoms during the COVID-19 pandemic among Quebec graduate students.

“Caregiving is like on the job training but nobody has the manual”: Canadian caregivers’ perceptions of their roles within the healthcare system.

Examining longitudinal patterns of individual neighborhood deprivation trajectories in the province of Quebec: A sequence analysis application.

Barriers and Facilitators Affecting the HIV Care Cascade for Migrant People Living with HIV in Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development Countries: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review.

Adapting care provision and advocating for unprotected unaccompanied minors in Paris in the context of COVID-19

The role of education and other transition milestones in the progression of social inequalities in cigarette smoking between the ages of 18 and 25: Evidence from the Canadian National Population Health Survey.

Systematic mixed studies reviews: Leveraging the literature to answer complex questions through the integration of quantitative and qualitative evidence.

Evaluating the implementation of three integrated care programs for older adults with major neurocognitive disorders.

Retirement Financial Insecurity for Men and Women in Canada: The Impact of Life Course Work and Income Instability.

Changes in self-esteem and chronic disease across adulthood: A 16-year longitudinal analysis.

Gender variations in the relationship between social capital and mental health outcomes among the Indigenous populations of Canada.

A Failure of Access?: The Birth Evacuation Policy in Canada’s North.

Postpartum Depression: Balancing Continuity and Change in Designing Interventions.

Considering the age-graded nature of associations between socioeconomic characteristics and smoking during the transition towards adulthood.

Does the density of the health workforce predict adolescent health? A cross-sectional, multilevel study of 38 countries.


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